The CORRECT iPhone Camera Settings for Amazing Photos - UPDATED - 雙語字幕

So these are just some of the pictures I've shot with my iPhone over the years that always
get a lot of likes on Instagram and Twitter and the most common question I get is how I set
up my iPhone to take these pictures.
I'm always trying to figure out what are the best settings, what are the best options to get the highest quality images from my iPhone.
iPhone and Apple are always changing the settings are always adding features and stuff like that every single year.
So I like to go through it quite regularly and make sure that it's set up correctly to take the best quality pictures.
Before we get into it, I'm using an iPhone 15 Pro.
Some of these options and features functionality and stuff like that won't be available on older iPhones.
So please to that in mind.
But as long as you have a recent iPhone, maybe 13 Pro, 14 Pro or 15 Pro, you should have similar options.
So the first thing we're going to do before we get into the camera app is going through our settings.
So we're going to go to the settings app, then we're going to scroll down.
going to find camera like so.
So first start with the video settings.
I have 4k at 24 frames per second.
I enhanced stabilization on, HDR video off.
I'm personally not a fan of HDR video.
I think the iPhone footage just looks better without it.
If you have a look at all these options here, make sure to just follow them this way.
Yeah, I usually just have all of these as is.
If we go back, slow-mo, I've left it, I think, on default.
Cinematic, I've also left on default, I think.
And then the next one is formats.
This is an important section here.
So I have camera capture on high efficiency.
I photo mode on 24 megapixels.
And then the most important feature here,
and the one that's going to matter the most when it comes to getting the high quality pictures, is pro-war and resolution control.
You've got to make sure that option is enabled.
And then when it comes to the pro default,
I have it at the most higher setting, which is pro-war max, which gives you up to 48 megapixel pictures.
And that's what we want.
We have to be able to use that sensor on the back of the phone
to get the highest quality pictures to get the most high resolution pictures.
We can scroll down.
So this is a new feature,
which is only on the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max,
and that is Apple ProRes, which to be honest, is definitely more of a pro feature.
But yes, I do have this option enabled, and then I have ProRes encoding on log.
So yeah,
those are,
If we then go to the Preserve Settings,
for me this one is a big menu because a lot of these options when I go in and out the camera app I want them to stay as they are.
So we have the camera mode on,
we have the creative controls on,
depth controls off,
micro control on,
that's one of the most frustrating features where when you're taking a picture of something and you're quite close,
it automatically changes to
my macro mode and I just don't see why I'd rather that was an option that I can
enable and then when you tap on it in the camera app to disable it it will
stay disabled which is yeah that's something that you definitely want to enable.
Exposure adjustment,
night mode,
portrait zoom,
action mode is usually off, Pro-roar and resolution control I definitely want that on and then Apple ProRes, we want to preserve that setting.
I know why I didn't already have it preserved, and then LivePhoto, I also want to preserve that.
All of these options here,
the aim is that when you go in and out of the camera app,
they stay as they are when you go back into the camera app.
Let's continue scrolling down, record stereo sound.
I that off.
That's really down to personal preference.
Some people prefer stereo sound.
I just prefer it as.
mono volume up for taking pictures in a burst.
I have that enabled QR codes enabled, detective text enabled.
I might actually disable this because I don't use it that much.
Composition, these ones you definitely want to enable, the grid and the level.
The level feature is new to iOS 17 and older devices now have it,
where when you're taking a picture,
a little level will come up on the screen just to show that you have the phone level, which is really nice.
I'm not sure why that wasn't there before.
And then as we scroll down, we have a few other options here, like so, and that is pretty much it.
Now we're going to go into the camera app itself and adjust some of the settings in here.
So usually when I take pro-raw images,
I like to make sure that I'm at the one times focal length and I usually leave it on 24mm.
What you can do here is you can actually tap to turn off the rawmax option,
but something that I discovered recently, which I never knew existed, was that you can actually hold it down to bring up all the options.
So you can actually choose raw 12 instead.
So instead of taking raw pictures at 48 megapixels,
maybe if you prefer smaller fast sizes and you don't mind 12 megapixels instead of 48, you can have raw 12 instead.
So yeah, I usually leave it on rawmax.
I have the flashlight usually disabled.
I see any need for the flashlight.
Night mode also is usually enabled.
This is a pretty neat option.
but I usually leave that on zero.
Most of the other options that you see here are just left on auto.
I don't actually want to be messing around too much with the settings.
I don't want to have to mess around with the settings before I take a picture.
I just want to be able to open up the camera app and take a picture.
and have the highest quality image so that maybe I can edit it later on.
Another thing to keep in mind is that when you do have the Pro Raw option enabled, you now don't have live photos.
And know for a lot of people, live photos are quite important because live photos are almost like a little mini video, right?
But yeah, you can't have both of them on at the same time.
So that's something to keep in I don't really care too much about live photos.
I prefer having Pro Raw enabled.
Another neat little thing,
which I don't think a lot of people knew existed,
is that you can swipe up to get a bunch of other settings here to mess around with stuff.
So, flashlight, again, the live photo.
You can also change the aspect ratio of your image.
You can change the exposure again here.
We're to leave that though.
You can set up a timer and there's even photographic styles But I always leave it on original.
I don't think it's worth going through the photographic styles That is it
That's all you need to do with the camera app and as long as you follow the settings that I just showed you will have the highest quality images
So that now we can edit them in an app like Lightroom The other benefit of shooting pro raw,
which actually completely forgot to mention, is that it strips all of the processing that Apple does.
In the Photos app, you will see the processing.
You will see that Apple have added their own sort of look to the image, it might be over sharpened.
Some people like the over sharpened look, but I personally am not a fan of it.
So when you take that Pro Raw image that you've shot and you put it into an editing app like Lightroom,
which is what I'm going to show you next,
it strips all of that and gives you a baseline image, which is not flat, there is still color in it.
But the idea is that there is no crazy processing on it.
There is no weird sharpening.
There's no leveling of the highlights and the shadows and stuff.
You're getting an image which is going to be very similar that you get from a proper mirrorless or DSLR camera.
So here we have an image that I've imported into Lightroom, a Raw image that I've shot on my iPhone 15 Pro.
This is the standard image before any edits and it already looks pretty good.
Like you can see the lots of detail here,
the highlights and the shadows look really nice, but we're going to edit it, we're going to make it I'm going to use some presets.
Now, the presets are my own presets.
I'll leave a link to them, but they're not required.
You don't have to use my presets.
You can find other presets and stuff.
it's just my presets have a specific style that I like.
If we scroll down, go through some of my presets, we can see how much it drastically changes the look of the image.
Sometimes way too dark but we can adjust it later on.
The main thing is with the presets is that they start, they're sort of like a starting layer, starting way to adjust the images.
So we'll go through find one that I like.
I need to find, actually I like that one.
Let's go with this one here.
Then we're going to go to the lighting actually one thing we do need to check is we need to scroll along and go to profiles and make sure that we are on
Apple pro war like so.
So yeah, we'll make sure that's enabled Then we're going to go to lighting And we're going to bring things down Huh, what is that?
Oh, okay?
It's because we have the shadows all the way up.
We'll bring down the whites as well are bring down the blacks,
bring down the whites, bring down the shadows like so, bring down the exposure, bring down the highlights.
There we are.
And that's added quite a bit of colour to our image,
but I actually think it might be a bit too much colour, so we're going to bring down the saturation a little bit.
five as well make it maybe a bit warmer like so and there we are now we have a
look on our images so that is before and that is after and you can see how much
of a big difference that is just from adding a preset and making a few
adjustments and the main thing is that you you adjust it to whatever you think looks best.
There isn't a right or wrong way to do it here,
but if you're looking for the sort of similar type of images that I've got, you can follow this sort of process as well.
Let's do another image.
So I have an image here of a very nice yacht.
We're gonna go to presets, we'll have a through, see what there is.
I quite, actually I might scroll down because I know there is one that I really like, I think it might be one of these.
Yeah, I like this one.
So, O309, make sure that our profile is of course on Apple Pro War, it is.
Then we're going to go to exposure.
We're going to brighten up a little bit because I do think the image needs to be brighter.
Brighten it.
Bring down, wait, do we want the contrast?
Yeah, actually we do want contrast.
We'll bring down the highlights instead Bring up the shadows that's had Color, let's go to the temperature.
Maybe you make it a bit warmer like so and I think that is pretty much ready,
I think that is a ready image so that is before that is after and you can see it's a very subtle difference but there is a
difference there and that's what I like,
I like making subtle changes,
subtle differences to the image where it doesn't look super overly processed but the
idea is that you're giving the image a certain vibe to match whatever mood you're looking for.
So is Monaco, where it's sunny, it's warm.
I to give the image a warmer look, but still keep the blue ocean, the blueness of the ocean in it.
That's what I've done.
You can see the ocean,
I think,
and the image looks brighter, looks sunny and looks warmer as well because I have the temperature and up the brightness of the image.
Here have an image of a front of a building.
So yeah let's add a preset again,
let's go through our presets, see what I like, the of, oh looks quite nice, looks very summery, quite like that.
Let's bring, actually if you want the contrast, let's bring down the exposure, let's bring down the highlights like so.
Yeah, that's cool.
Maybe bring down the shadows a little bit.
Yeah, that looks very exciting.
I like the look of that.
Look how much of a difference that piece it has made.
That's insane.
But there's one issue with this image and that it doesn't really look that straight
So what we're going to do is we're going to start messing around with the geometry over this image
And it's something that I think more people need to do so we're going to go into geometry like so
We can have it do it automatically,
but we're not going to that we're going to constrain crop And then we're going to actually we don't need distortion.
We need the vertical crop like so There we are.
I think you know what that's ready to go.
I think that's it I think that's all we need to do so we can see what they measured like before
That's what I liked before,
you can see it sort of doesn't look straight,
and then after after adding the geometry and the filter and stuff, how much of a difference that is.
Like it's huge,
it gives the image a completely different feel,
all because I shot in Prorol,
brought into Lyrum, slapped a piece of set on, made some geometry adjustments, made exposure adjustments, and have an image that I think looks incredible.
I like this could be a wallpaper on my phone.
And this is what is important when it comes to getting the best quality pictures,
the best looking pictures out of the It's a two-step process.
You've got to first set up your iPhone,
get the settings right, to take those high quality pictures, and then you've got to bring it into an app like Lightroom.
You have to use Lightroom,
you can use other photo editing apps,
and then use those apps to get a certain doesn't look like an iPhone image, and these ones don't look like iPhone images.
They look like they were shot with a mirrorless camera.
Before I go, I have something that I basically stole from Sam Parr, and that is the Gentlemen's Agreement.
So the agreement is, it sounds ridiculous, but I think it's also pretty cool.
So the agreement is that I give you guys this content for free, this educational content, you learn nothing or two.
and all I ask in exchange is that you like, subscribe, and leave a comment.
So yeah, please do that.
Please let me know if you sign the Gentleman's Agreement in the comments below.
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe from me.


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