香港抗議四週年:「反送中」運動始末回顧- BBC News 中文 - 双语字幕

The They were protesting a bill that would allow suspected criminals in the city to be sent to mainland China for trial.
Critics the extradition law could let China target political opponents.
way that Chinese Hong Kong citizens should trust the Chinese government and the Hong Kong government.
The protesters seem to be breaking in from two different sides here and the police have completely retreated back away from the main entrance.
We're back into the building itself.
I think there's lines that we can have the freedom from fear that we are everyday facing
right now so I guess we have fear and angry and we don't get respected by our own government.
We don't trust the government.
We don't need a small factory.
We want to cancel the bill, but not temporary.
An two million people taking to the streets, sending a message to China and demanding the local leaders step down.
I think set,
I hope really
here see you next time we
see you activists they've just broken through the window of the legco building here behind me
they've managed to smash through this toughened glass and they're now trying to
get inside the legco building inside you can see there are large numbers of
riot police this is very chaotic at least the situation is out of control and this is
very dangerous here for the protesters and for the security guards and the police.
So I urge Carrie Lam to really come out and speak to the people, to have a communication, to stop this chaotic situation.
We will see you next We will see next week.
will see you next week.
The bill is dead.
I don't know why it's so difficult to utter the word withdrawal.
Is it face?
I don't know what it is.
And she knows very well that that's what people, the are demanding.
It's a leave the city.
city is really beautiful.
We have to talk about that there no I do to But I to be alone.
I'm that you here.
I know that have a energy.
I'm not going have I know you are just They are not going to but they are to eat.
They are going to eat.
I have to eat.
I to eat.
I have to I and so it's a tough way a way to do this, it's to this.
It's a tough way to it.
and you have to be able to win.
I'm I Why would you be a loser?
I don't like being a
This shows lot of people who this
Let's have look at the
next show with all the shows
They are music Today is the time of the The government will formally withdraw the bill in order to fully align public concepts.
One anniversary, two reactions.
while Beijing celebrated Hong Kong was, once again, full of defiance.
Look at this, China Construction Bank, the glass is shattered.
These another one here, CCP is Capitalist, says graffiti.
These people are targeting.
targeting the financial institutions of China.
In Hong hundreds of activists remain under siege inside the Polytechnic University,
where there's been more violence today, as police try to keep the campaigners trapped inside.
The clear message from the police today.
If you surrender, you will be arrested.
I think this is a very good example to demonstrate how democracy is important to the people
because the high rate of photos 14 yesterday have shown a very encouraging message to everybody else and to the world.
The health authorities in China are scrambling to stop the spread of a new pneumonia-like virus.
China has just confirmed 217 cases.
There are fears the virus might spread to Hong Kong too.
I'm going you how you get a lot money.
I'm going show I'm going to show you how you Hong Kong Police have arrested 25 activists who took part in a ban.
vigil and to mark the anniversary of China's Tiananmen Square cracker.
Authorities cancelled the event citing the coronavirus concerns.
Pro-democracy campaign in Hong Kong,
Agnes Chao has become the latest figure detained under the new National Security Law,
follows the arrest earlier of the prominent activist and media tycoon Jimmy Lai, who was detained over allegations of collusion.
foreign powers, in total 11 people have been arrested on Monday.
There's been plenty of anger and frustration because Beijing's not just getting more powers,
it's actually getting absolute total power when it comes to a controlling on Oh


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